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Must-have Summer Apps

6 app tips to make your summer unforgettable

SUMMER – our hair’s getting lighter and our skin’s getting darker. The nights are short, the days are long, and life’s getting better. We have higher expectations of summer than of any other season. We want to enjoy summertime to the full, spend lots of time out in nature, and savour the beautiful weather. 

There are a couple of cool apps that help us to make the most of the summer months, and enjoy them even more – and we want to share them with you. 


Outdoor Action 

For those who don’t want to just put their feet up, even on the hottest summer days, hiking or cycling tours are the perfect choice. One app that can make life much easier in that regard is komoot. It allows you to fully customise your future tours, or to select existing ones. 

To keep our bodies moving well, and to care for and protect our joints, we need an adequate supply of nutrients. That’s why we recommend CAPS move. They provide active support when it comes to joint and bone health. 


With a combination of plenty of movement in daily life and optimal nutrient intake, in a best-case scenario we should still be able to take a leisurely hike or cycling tour at the age of 100. 😉


Chill-out Time 

For anybody who wants a more chilled summer, the music app Spotify is an absolute must-have. Whether you’re spending a sunny afternoon by a lake, or a laid-back evening beside the campfire, the right music is essential. We’ve put together our SUNNY SIDE UP Playlist to go with this time of year – give it a listen! 🎵


Bad weather programme

Even the hottest summer has bad weather occasionally. On days like that, film evenings or binge-watching box sets on well-known streaming services are the perfect answer. And if you’re interested in exciting documentaries from all over the world, you’ll definitely find something you like on waterbear. This free video-on-demand platform is devoted to the future of the earth. 

But so that the bad weather doesn’t have a negative impact on your mood, we recommend CAPS moodoo. The natural ingredients they contain improve mental resilience and give you greater serenity. Ideal for maintaining your emotional balance, even when the weather’s bad. 😜


So that you’re not lost for words

Summer time is holiday time! If you’re taking a holiday abroad this summer, a good translation app can be a lifesaver. 

Locals don’t speak English? Menu only available in the given country’s language? With the DeepL translation app, that’s not a problem. 💬

Apart from classic manual text translation, the DeepL app also allows for language input and output. And another handy tool: even pictures and files can be translated. Which means that even if a menu looks cryptic, you can still choose the right dish. 😉


Sun protection? Yes, please!

Another must-have app for the summer is UVLens and, as you may already have guessed from the name, it’s a sun protection app. You can use it to calculate the time that your skin can protect itself. Apart from that, it sends you reminders to regularly reapply sunscreen, and warnings about the days and times of the day (depending on the weather) when you need to take extra care. 

FRESH sunscreen and FRESH sunscreen face combined with CAPS protect offer optimal, holistic sun protection, working from within and on the outside. ☀️


Charge the hose line!

Last but not least (important) – the “Drink Water Aquarium” app.  Consuming enough liquid is essential all year round, and even more crucial when it’s hot in summer. The ideal is to drink between two and three litres of water. 

We can recommend the “Drink Water Aquarium” app to help you reach this target. It depicts your daily water consumption in the shape of an aquarium. With every glass you drink, the water also rises in the aquarium, so that the fish in it are OK. If you don’t drink, the fish will die sooner or later because they need water to survive (as, indeed, do we).

The app therefore regularly reminds us to drink water, doing both our health and our virtual fish a favour. 💧 To make drinking easier, we’d suggest you try our RINGANA Soulbottle. It’s so much nicer to drink out of a fancy bottle than out of a boring glass, isn’t it? And, hopefully, it’ll make us do so more frequently? 😜

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